PCI measurement card
A PCI card was developed for the evaluation of FPGA-based signal processing algorithms in combination with varying analog-to-digital converters as well as copper-based data transmission methods over distances of up to 200m.
The PCI card works in a TQ5200B evaluation board from TQ-Components in combination with an embedded Linux.
Our services
Conceptual design and development of the PCI card, the FPGA design, the Linux kernel driver and a Linux software.
Used technologies
- Multilayer PCB
- Xilinx Spartan 3A DSP
- Xilinx PCI-ipCore
- RS232
- RS422
- Ethernet-Phy
- Embedded Linux
- Qt4
Used tools
- Xilinx ISE
- Modelsim
- Embedded Linux
- KDevelop
- GCC compiler
- Doxygen