Fidex is an integrated assembler development environment (IDE) for soft-core processors.
It enables the development of assembly code with features that are otherwise available for high-level languages only. Especially larger programs benefit from these features and can be developed much faster.
Some of the most prominent features are:
- Projectmanagement
- Assembler templates
- Source navigator
- Support of Strings with character sets
- Support of Memory pages for processors that doen't support them natively also
- Initialising of any Memories within the FPGA including visualisation
- Simulator/Debugger including visualisation of named registers and port adresses and access to pre initialized memories
- Online help including processor manuals
- Support via Message-Viewer with direct links to the online help
- Execution of external programs after assembling or at the push of a button
- Importfilter for existing sources
Supported processors are:
- Xilinx PicoBlaze™ 3
- Xilinx PicoBlaze™ 6
- Xilinx PicoBlaze clones: pacoBlaze from, copyBlaze from OpenCores
- Lattice Mico8™ v3.x